Calling all Philadelphia New and Expectant Parents, It Takes a Village Baby Consultants™ would like to help you prepare for your little bundle of joy. It Takes a Village Baby Consultants™ is a hands-on baby- consulting firm located in Philadelphia.
What is a baby consultant? They offer specialty services for new and expectant parents either in the comfort of your home or in an intimate group setting. Their services include but are not limited to, sleep consulting, infant massage, basic baby care, nutrition, and developmental guidance.

Joanna said,
"our primary goal of It Takes a Village Baby Consultants is to educate and support growing families. We want to be there to help parents to trust their instincts and be active participants of the care and development of their child.” According to their website, this mother –daughter team understands that “It takes a village to raise a child” and that with the changing climate of our society, we are losing the “village”.
They want to be there for families first as a resource then as a member of their “village”- professionals that they can go to with all parenting questions related to their newborn up to age three. If you would like, they can come to “your village” to do a workshop on any topic related to children under age three. Check out their website, or give them a call at 215 460-8096