Pregnant Volunteers Needed
For Prenatal Massage Therapy Class
Baltimore School of Massage, York campus
170 Red Rock Road
York, PA 17406
Saturday, November 3, 2012
10:15am to 12:30pm
How would you (or a pregnant woman you may know) like to enjoy a full body massage (or two) by a licensed massage therapist, free of charge?
The professional certification workshop
“MotherMassage®: Massage During Pregnancy" is coming to the Baltimore School of Massage, York campus on September 7-9. This course trains professionals and childbirth educators how to massage pregnant women. We are looking for healthy pregnant women who can spend Saturday morning with us,
November 3rd from 10:15am to 12:30pm.
It’s a fun way to get rid of your backache and other common discomforts while helping professionals learn their new skills. If you can join us, please bring a snack and some water with you.
To confirm, get directions or for more information,
please contact:
Jessica Porter
Continuing Ed Coordinator, SEG
Thank you! We wish you a very happy and healthy pregnancy.
Main Line Doulas serves the entire Philadelphia and surrounding area, but does not reach York. Main Line Doulas is not associated with this massage school, but we like to pass along great info about fun events for preggos in the surrounding areas.