Peaceful Baby Bath

I just love this video of  a relaxing baby bath. When mom's are taught how to bath their newborns, so often they are taught to give a sponge bath, or a regular bath in a way that rushes through the process and is unnerving and uncomfortable(and even hysterical) for both mother and baby.

My first time bathing my first baby was terrifying. I chose to do a sponge bath like I had been taught in the hospital. I got all of my supplies ready on the table. I undressed my little guy Benjamin who immediatly began screaming and kicking, and after a minute of struggle, I too started crying. I was so worried I was hurting my precious new baby, combined with the intensity of postpartum hormones which peak at the 5-6 day, and it was an experience that I vividly remember to this day.

This experience taught me that there must be a better way. And there was. This video is a great example of how we at Main Line Doulas like to teach our new moms to bath their baby's: with peace and love. This is not only a better experience for baby, but a better one for you as well.

Recipe Series: Juicing in Philadelphia!

Our postpartum doulas love making fresh juice for our clients! In Philadelphia I've seen juicing becoming more and more popular and I am so happy to see this juicing boom as we've been enjoying juicing for a number of years. Please check out one of our favorite recipes:

Super Kale and Berries Recipe

  • an entire bunch of organic kale
  • one apple
  • 3 carrots
  • 6 strawberries
  • 6 ounces spinach
  • half a lemon(peeled)
Put it all through the juicer and viola, a delicious powerhouse of vitamins and antioxidants. This is a wonderful energy booster, especially in those first days and weeks postpartum when you need it most.