I was so curious to see how they were going to portray doulas, so I DVRed it and got to watch it this morning.
Click here to watch the clip on NBC.com, the scene starts at about 4:25
The scene starts with the male character Will hearing a funny sound coming from the other room/apartment. He opens the door to see what's going on and finds Fiona making loud screaming /pushing sounds and her son Marcus emerging from under a rebozo style looking piece of fabric draped over her legs, chairs and table. Marcus emerges from under the fabric, runs toward Will, is attached to his mom by a thick fabric style rope and says to his mom,
Marcus: Cut my umbilical cord so I can hug Will!
Will: Umbilical cord! What?
Fiona: Don't get judgmental, we are simply reenacting Marcus's birth.
Will: And here I was thinking there was no logical explanation....
Fiona: Marcus is helping me stir up my personal birthing memories ot help me with my training to become a doula.
Will: What is a doula??
Fiona: Of course you don't know what a doula is. A doula is a magical person who helps restore the faith and dignity of birth that the medical establishment has frankly destroyed.
Will: ((Interrupts Fiona)) Okay moving on...
Marcus: Would it be okay if Will cut my umbilical cord as a symbolic way of showing our mutual independence?
Fiona: That is brilliant.
The scene's use of the rebozos instantly reminded me of the wonderful Gena Kirby's trainings for use of the rebozo during childbirth and although I have no insider information and I am only guessing here but I am imagining that her work must of influenced the director.
Awareness and Educating the Public on the Availability of Doula Support
Although I wouldn't say Fiona's description of a birth doula was 100% accurate, I believe it was a good step forward for the term "doula" to become a more household word. I have had so many clients come to me for their second pregnancy saying, "I so badly wish I knew that doulas existed before having my first! I only first heard about doulas AFTER my first. I am so glad I found you!" One of the missions of Main Line Doulas is providing education and awareness about what birth and postpartum doulas do here in Philadelphia, so that more woman who could benefit from the service know that it exists.