(im)patiently awaiting the arrival of my baby...

Personal Blog Alert(doula hat off, pregnant mom hat on): Well it's Sunday evening. My due date has come and gone a few days ago now, it was this past Thursday June 27th. I am now almost 40+4 weeks. My sweet little guy is happy inside and will come when he's ready... even though I've been ready for weeks!!!!!! Ahh!!!
"Oh wow you look you are ready to go! When are you due??" says every stranger I come into contact with in public... "a few days ago" I respond with a sad face....
When I first got pregnant, I told everyone that my due date was July 5th. I did this to avoid that crazy feeling that I'm having now, the impatient feeling like I just can't wait another minute to hold my sweet little baby. But I'll go back to my doula hat for a second here.... a due date is only a rough ESTIMATE of when they THINK baby COULD come... unfortunately that knowledge doesn't stop me from feeling "done" and feeling crazy and feeling like I've had enough of back aches, and hip pain, and nausea and heart burn and contractions and groin pain and and and.... And although this knowledge isn't stopping me from feeling done, it it stopping me from taking any risky actions like a medical induction. (unless of course there was a medical problem requiring a medical induction! But being past my "due date" isn't a medical problem)

There is a great article about due dates called The Lie of the EDD: Why Your Due Date Isn't What You Think that explains where they came up with the EDD and the many ways in which in can be inaccurate.

Please read this article to learn more about the myth of the due date now:


In the mean time, I will be (im)patiently await the arrival of my precious little guy.