Philadelphia: How to Take Care of Baby His First 7 Days

How to Take Care of Baby His First 7 Days

During the first few months, a baby undergoes developmental changes. However, a baby cannot do this all by himself/herself; he needs the help of a caregiver to fully meet his/her needs.  A baby’s developmental ability is greatly affected by three main factors, namely nutrition, health, and relationships. Thus, it is essential that parents in Philadelphia hire a doula who is knowledgeable of these ideology.

Doulas are not only involved during pregnancy and postpartum but also in basic newborn care. Philadelphia is one of the leading cities in the United States that provides training and certification to doulas, making sure that high standards for education and practice are met. Hence, the best doulas in Philadelphia are expected to be versed on the following concepts of newborn care:

Physical Development.

The first development that occurs in a baby’s life is the physical form. This is characterized by the change in baby’s size. Doulas serving Philadelphia are aware that shortly after a baby is born, a baby normally loses weight, falling between 4 to 8 ounces. However, this weight should be regained within 10 to 12 days. Nonetheless, by the end of the first month, the baby’s length increases by 1 to 1.5 inches.

Cognitive Development.

 This development is defined as a baby’s ability to think, learn, and remember. When a baby is born, his brain can be compared to a ‘tabula rasa’. His brain is composed of billions of neurons (brain cells) and trillions of neural synapses (brain cell connections). These connections are formed faster when someone interacts with the baby. Thus, it is essential and best for parents to make sure to find a doula in Philadelphia that interacts in a positive manner. The very reason for this is that babies are fast learners and can mimic anything introduced to them.

Emotional and social development.

In this stage, a baby undergoes a basic conflict between trust and mistrust. In order for a child to develop trust, one of the factors that should be considered is the presence of a constant caregiver. This constant caregiver can either be one of the parents or a doula. This should be someone who can provide the needs of the baby. Since a baby cannot talk, the best way for him/her to communicate his/her needs is through sounds or facial expressions. When baby’s needs are achieved by the constant caregiver, eventually the child overcomes mistrust and develops the milestone of trust.

Language development.

Language development is similar to cognitive development. A newborn listens and absorbs both the basic and distinct sounds of language. Although a baby cannot mimic or say the same spoken words, those words will be embedded in his/her subconscious. This process forms a baby’s speech foundation. On that account, it is important for a doula to frequently communicate with the baby to hasten and fully develop his language skills.

Sensory and motor skills development.

All newborns have all five senses, but these are not yet fully developed when they are born. As they grow up, these skills are gradually built up. The important function of a doula is to assist the baby in developing his/her motor and sensory skills by stimulating him/her according to the child’s developmental capability. For example, a baby’s vision is believed to be developing, but is said to be the weakest during the first months. Therefore, it is important for a doula to watch for dangers such as falls.

In a nutshell, besides the parents, doulas are important caregivers of newborns. They provide a milieu rich in stimulus, comfort, and warm affection that enhance many areas of a baby's development.