Philadelphia Prenatal Health Series: Mama's Wellness Joint


Philadelphia moms and moms-to-be looking to stay healthy in both body and spirit, check out this great center right in your backyard!  It’s called Mama’s Wellness Joint and is located at 1100 Pine Street in Philadelphia.  According to their website, at Mama’s Wellness Joint you can find a “supportive community of health, love, birth, and beauty.”

One of the many benefits of prenatal yoga is better sleep! According to a study out of San Jose University, mom's who practice mindful prenatal yoga get more sleep in the second and third trimester. (

Mama’s Wellness Joint offers a variety of classes including Prenatal Yoga, Mama’s Movin’, Kids Yoga, Mommy and Me Little Babies, and more.  For dads who want to get in on getting healthy, they also offer Men’s Yoga.  What’s nice about this studio is that on top of their regular classes, they also have a New Mama’s Support Group that runs the first Wednesday of each month.  For more info or to sign up for a class you can give them a call at 267-519-9037 or visit their website at     

1100 Pine St, Philadelphia, PA 19107