I’m Not Just a Placenta Encapsulation Specialist, I’m Also a Client!

Cheesy title aside, it’s true!

Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Brittany and I am one of the Placenta Encapsulation Specialists at Main Line Doulas. For three years, I have had the honor of helping new moms have beautiful postpartum periods by turning their placentas in easy-to-take pills, making it simple for them to reap the many benefits of ingesting their placenta. Even though I missed out on encapsulating my own placenta after the birth of my first son, Linus, in 2012, I have believed in its power to rejuvenate new moms during the sensitive weeks following birth.

Placenta Love: my pills and Xavier's cord
I am now happy to say, that after the birth of my newest son, Xavier, on April 7, I have had the opportunity to experience the effects of placenta encapsulation first-hand. My pills have been working wonders!

After Linus was born, I was an emotional roller coaster; I was very weepy, and quite unsure of myself (if you don’t believe me, you can ask my dear husband who had to try to navigate my moods those first few months…). When the “baby blues” hit me, they hit hard. Honestly, I was nervous to go through it all again with my second and wondering how I would manage my own feelings while caring for two little ones. Even though I knew I'd be taking placenta pills as soon I found out I was pregnant again, I wasn't quite sure how much they would help.

Thankfully, they have helped a lot! This time around, I have been feeling like a million bucks. My wonderful placenta pills have been keeping the weepies at bay, and I’ve been feeling nothing but joy and excitement while getting to know my sweet new son. I’ve also had energy to spare while taking care of him, and my silly, spirited two year old. I cannot stress enough how amazing I feel!

Having my first postpartum experience to compare to, I can honestly say that this one has been much smoother. Really, it's been like night and day! And, I am so thankful for my placenta pills. Although I have always recommended placenta encapsulation to anyone who’s expecting, I can now say without a doubt that it makes a huge difference.

If you have any questions about what placenta encapsulation is all about, please don’t hesitate to contact Main Line Doulas! We’ll be happy to answer all your questions.