Philadelphia Bryn Mawr area Hypnobabies Education

Hypnobabies Philadelphia offers a complete childbirth education course. Today I connected with Carrie Ballek of Hypnobabies Philadelphia. Although the title is "Philadelphia", she also has a class location in the Bryn Mawr/ Wayne area.

The next class session starts September 8th, 2012 and will be held for 6 consecutive weeks at Aly's Wagon in Fairmount section of Philadelphia. Consider this course if you are due from December 2012-January 2013

Karen Zamperini will be offering the same class in her Bryn Mawr area location starting on September 23rd. Consider this course if you are due late December 2012-Feb 2013.

I am so excited to be able to tell you all about their classes. Hypnobabies is a truly amazing program. I teach many aspects of the meditation programs in my two prenatal visits. But I would very highly suggest these programs in addition to the prenatal appointments that I offer.

From the Hypnobabies Philadelphia website:

Hypnobabies Philadelphia offers group and private Hypnobabies classes to expectant couples, single moms and birth professionals in the Philadelphia and Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania areas. Visit this page often for updates, latest news and links.
Why choose a natural, easier birth using Hypnobabies? The benefits are many:

● Most of our moms use fewer drugs or no drugs, which means less risk of side effects for you and your baby, due to elimination of the Fear/Tension/Pain Syndrome, and using post-hypnotic suggestions.

● Most Hypno-mothers have shorter labors since there is less resistance of the birthing muscles when pain and fear are mi
nimized or eliminated.

● Hypno-Moms generally have much more energy throughout first and second stage, due to your total relaxation throughout the birthing process.

● The birthing environment is much more calm and peaceful when you, the natural childbirth mother are comfortable, relaxed and confident.

● Breech and posterior babies can be turned using hypnosis.

● Blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature can be lowered and nausea, back and hip pain eliminated with hypnosis during pregnancy and labor.

● There are fewer interventions for failure to progress and therefore fewer complications during labor for our mothers and babies.

● The deep relaxation in Hypnobabies sessions has also helped many a nervous birth partner to enjoy their partner's pregnancy and childbirth, and the skills that the Hypno-couple learns for relaxation and hypnosis will benefit them for the rest of their lives.

● As a Hypno-Mom, you are easily "deprogrammed" from the usual negativity of childbirth stories and scenarios you may have heard or read, by way of training in Hypnobabies classes and audio CDs which have positive messages and hypnotic suggestions. This automatically allows you to have a much more positive attitude and confidence in birthing. It is truly a gift that you are giving yourself, an amazingly easy way to enjoy your pregnancy more and actually look forward to your baby's birth!